Outcomes and impact

Developing an outcomes and impact framework

Understanding stakeholders' needs and the outcomes that they want from your organisation is crucial to providing good services, being able to measure progress, and writing good funding applications.  This consultancy or training will take you through the process from beginning to end of developing an outcomes and impact assessment framework for a project, service or activity.

This can be delivered as a consultancy with more hands on support, or a one day course

By the end of this workshop you will have developed an outcomes and impact assessment framework for a project, service or activity, real or theoretical, including:
  • Understanding different terminology and concepts around inputs, outputs, outcomes and impact
  • Considering the different uses of outcome and impact measurements
  • Identifying stakeholders that are impacted by your work
  • How you might identify the outcomes of your work, and prioritising which are most important
  • Identifying outcome indicators and data collection methods to help you understand whether you are achieving your intended outcomes
  • Considering how you might measure the longer-term impact of your work
  • What you might do with the data you collect
  • Resources you need to implement outcomes and impact monitoring
  • Overcoming barriers to outcomes and impact assessment.
In-house cost: £875 + trainer’s expenses for a course, price for consultancy agreed according to needs 
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