Building resilient teams: supporting workers’ wellbeing in challenging environments
Building resilient teams: supporting workers’ wellbeing in challenging environments
Are you a manager or leader in an organisation where staff regularly support clients experiencing distress or challenging life circumstances? Do you want to ensure that your team members are able to maintain their own wellbeing while providing high-quality care to those they serve?
Working with distressed clients can significantly impact the wellbeing of workers, whether paid or volunteer, leading to burnout, vicarious trauma, reduced engagement, performance and retention, and increased absence.
As a manager or leader, understanding these challenges and developing skills and systems to promote wellbeing and build resilient teams is crucial. In this one-day course, you'll gain an understanding of the impact on workers of supporting distressed clients, identify improvements in your systems and relationships, and come away with practical strategies and frameworks to implement.
The course is for anyone who is managing, coaching or training people or projects in any sector. ReadIdeas to Impact's blogsetting out how similar work was delivered as a year-long programme withNew Dawn New Dayin Leicester to a group of organisations providing or advising about safe accommodation.
One day in-person course.
This can also be delivered as workshops or a consultancy package within organisations.
This course will enable you to:
Identify and understand the effect of stress and trauma on people’s psychology, emotions, behaviour and body.
Recognise the impact on workers of working with distressed clients.
Identify the signs of burnout, vicarious trauma, and moral injury.
Analyse what contributes to individual resilience and what you can influence, and how what contributes to resilient teams.
Understand what psychological safety is and isn’t in the workplace is and how you can develop it.
Consider how mental wellbeing relates to worker engagement and the different types of support that workers need in different situations.
Develop an action plan to put into place in your organisation.
Feedback from previous courses,
“Excellent trainer. Great interactive group work.” “Fantastic training. Useful and relevant content.” “Resources given are excellent.”
Participants will come away with an action plan and some tools to use in the workplace, and some next steps to implement psychologically informed practice into their organisations.
Please be aware that the nature of discussion about trauma can lead to realisations about participants' own experiences and can bring up strong feelings. People will be encouraged to take breaks if they need it. The trainer will be available during part of lunch and after the session to signpost participants to various resources. It is also important that there is provision for participants to talk to their own managers or other workplace provision as needed.
Course facilitator: Becky Nixon. Becky has personal and professional experience of trauma, is undertaking an Master's in psychology, and has worked with organisations that are developing trauma-informed practice since 2014. In-house cost: £875 for one day + trainer’s expenses
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