Using data and evidence can be important for designing services that meet the needs of beneficiaries and that work, and demonstrating this to funders, but where do you find data and evidence and how can you tell whether it's reliable or not?
Half day workshop or one hour webinar
This workshop or webinar will
help you to understand:
The different types of data and evidence that are available, including quantitative data (numbers and statistics) and qualitative data (narrative, e.g. people's opinions or observations)
How to break down data by demographics and geography
Different research methods and when they are useful
Some examples of organisations that produce data relevant to charities' work
How to judge the reliability (does the method produce consistent findings?) and validity (does it measure what it's supposed to?) of research
The webinar is mainly focused on giving you information, the workshop will enable to you to search for some of the data your organisation might need and to evaluate its reliability and usefulness. In-house cost: £500 half day workshop or £200 one-hour webinar (with a further quarter of an hour for any questions not already covered)
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