Focus, understanding procrastination, and working effectively

Focus, understanding procrastination, and working effectively

An introduction and overview of some of the issues that will be facing people now working from home in challenging times

One-hour webinar or one and a half hours with facilitated discussion

Are introverts having a better time in "lockdown" than extraverts?  Can procrastination ever help?  Does playing computer games help you to work more effectively?*

This one-hour webinar will combine evidence and insight from management and leadership, organisational development, psychology and neuroscience to help people with the current challenges of working from home.  It will cover:

  • The structure of your brain and how this affects your ability to focus
  • Why habits are important and how to develop them
  • Understanding procrastination and some strategies to overcome it, and when it might help you
  • Managing emails and other distractions
  • Understanding yourself better and how your preferences may affect how you work best
  • Some practical tips to help you work more effectively
  • How one size doesn’t fit all and that the problem might not be you
Feedback from previous sessions:

'Great informative and interactive experience. Very beneficial and short introduction into how you can help and care for yourself when working from home'

'This was a really useful session for my own use and to help me in managing my team'

'Thank you for the very useful handout and for the informative, professional and perfectly paced webinar'

'All interesting, the most useful were the sections from "power of habits" onwards, particularly "procrastination" and "practical strategies"'

'I'm already writing my "don't do" list'

There are no public sessions currently scheduled but please email Marlen, if you are interested in running one or to be notified when sessions are planned.

This webinar be delivered for organisations and teams and adapted to meet your needs, please email for details of cost.  Individual coaching sessions are also available.

*No, yes, maybe

A Theory of Change can:
  • Design a service or a project, ensuring that the activities you want to provide will lead to the goal you are intending.
  • Identify which services or activities are best to achieve the outcomes that you want.
  • Identify where there is a need to work with others to bring in services that you don't provide yourself but are a key part of making changes for clients.
  • Ensure that indicators to measure your performance are focusing on the right things that are needed by clients.
  • Involve a range of stakeholders, including service users, staff, board members and volunteers, funders and decision makers in designing and reviewing your services.
  • Inform evaluation and impact assessment.
  • Provide evidence for funding proposals and tenders to improve the chances of success, many funders specifically ask for a Theory of Change.
This workshop will help you to:
  • Understand what is meant by Theory of Change and how a Theory of Change is constructed.
  • Identify how Theory of Change might be used.
  • Consider how to collect information and consult with stakeholders to feed into a Theory of Change.
  • Practice constructing a real or invented Theory of Change to give you tools and skills to use in the future, including developing the overall goal, outcomes, outcome indicators, and services and activities.
  • Identify how to present your Theory of Change to others.
This course can be adapted to two half day sessions help an organisation to develop a completed Theory of Change for their organisation or a specific project, as it can be helpful to have some time to consider what has been produce in an initial workshop and to refine outcomes before moving onto activity and indicator planning.

In-house cost: £1,399 (two half days including preparation and write up) + trainer’s expenses, or consultancy as agreed according to needs.

Contact Marlen Tallett for more information or to book, or fill in the form below.


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