Strategy - what now?

Strategy - what now?

An online strategy planning session for boards, staff, volunteers and other relevant stakeholders

A three and a half hour session with half an hour break

It's always important to review your organisation's strategy, but perhaps even more so at the moment when so many things have been disrupted or are uncertain.

This session will be run on Zoom using presentations, larger groups and breakout rooms (depending on number of participants) to enable you to reflect on internal and external factors to identify where your organisation's focus should be over the coming months or years.  It includes:
  • Welcome, introduction and scene setting
  • What are the problems you're aiming to solve and who or what do they affect?  In this section we can start from the beginning, or tailor it to focus on particular aspects of your organisation's work, looking at problem trees - what are the causes of the problems, and what are some of the effects?
  • How well is your organisation placed to deliver your work?  Looking at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and your organisation's unique selling point or USP
  • What are some of the solutions to the problems you're trying to solve - talking a broad approach and thinking outside "business as usual" then prioritising the top solutions that will meet the greatest need or will have most impact.
  • Given the thinking so far - what activities should your organisation be undertaking?  What should be kept as it is, what adapted or further developed, what could be started or stopped, what is being done by others that you don't need to do, and what could be a future project?
Feedback from previous sessions:

"Thanks, Becky, for a highly enjoyable and really useful session.  It’ll certainly be of massive value in developing the funding strategy."

"Thanks for a useful afternoon and l look forward to moving on with this work."

Price: £875 per session including preparation and production of workshop report.
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