This workshop will use the Investing in Volunteers quality standard to help you to ensure that your volunteer management is comprehensive.
This is based on the new 2021 Investing in Volunteers standard that Ideas to Impact developed with the UK assessing bodies
Half day course
Are you currently managing volunteers or thinking about developing a volunteering programme? Have your volunteer management systems developed over time but you feel that they could be more coordinated, or would you like to measure how you are doing against national best practice to identify any gaps for development?
This workshop, delivered by an Investing in Volunteers assessor, provides an overview of the key areas for policies and procedures, and enable people to be able to identify for their organisation or group where development is needed. It will help you to:
Understand the Investing in Volunteers framework and the nine areas of good practice.
Think through why you involve volunteers
Identify how your organisation and the volunteers can best benefit from their involvement
Consider the policies and procedures you have in place and which you need to develop
Get some practical ideas in relation to developing your systems and processes.
The course includes two follow up emails for specific advice on your volunteering policies and procedures. In-house cost: £500 + trainer’s expenses
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